The Way of a Seer~Magical Manifestations

The Way of a Seer~Magical Manifestations

Namaste, So, you had a reading and you didn’t know if you actually understood it. Yes, a relationship is coming, but when? My job is changing, but how? More money in my life, Where is it? To understand the world from which the psychic pulls information off the universal timeline, you must first understand that it is you that has control over your life. You can manifest the possibilities now or in the near future, or you can hold the future in abeyance by never clearly defining your intent. Or by not clearing out the old negative relationships, jobs, and patterns that keep us stuck. There are no but’s to getting what you want. I want a relationship, but . . . I want a new job, but . . . . Sometimes we cannot declare the parameters of the things we so desperately want in precise detail. Focus on what you really desire. I want to share a few thoughts with you as you walk your spiritual path. A “reading” is a glimpse of what your life can be and how you can attain not only the worldly illusions of success so powerful in our culture but achieve the serenity of letting go of worldly wants. These concepts need not be mutually exclusive. Why are we not always told the outcome of our most pressing issues? The answer is simple. You can go to a plethora of “readers” and they can all see the same thing in front of you but free will plays a part in the outcome and karma, that of our own, and of the others involved in our desire. In the end the answer is for you to decide as that is the journey that carries us towards enlightment. Your spiritual guides will not reveal to you an answer that will interfere with or is part of your lesson to be fulfilled. It is always interesting for me to see what a client is told and what is not told. Some clients are so in tune with their lessons that within a six or eight week period all that has been foretold will transpire. Others will pine for their “soulmate: who has not arrived in their bed, or for the job that seems elusive or the move that is on hold. When this happens it is time to re-examine the Laws of the Universe and our intent. We have the ability through our thoughts to manifest what we want. If one is on a spiritual path living in an Ashram but has moved to the Ashram so as not to pay delinquent taxes, and/or unpaid consumer debt then how does the person confront his or her truth and progress his soul? To quickly...

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The Way of a Seer~Comments Please

The Way of a Seer~Comments Please

Namaste, Please send me comments whether you are a new client or an old friend. As some of you know I have moved from Virginia into my house in Arizona and I am settling into the Southwest lifestyle. Spending a summer in the desert when all who can afford to leave for eight weeks, do, I am enduring the heat by spending most of my time in the swimming pool. Freckle faced and suntanned for once in my life, I am in the desert doing what I love best, my “readings,” and following Spirit. I want to write about the subjects that bring me joy and to explore metaphysical questions we so often ponder.  I invite your input and will share with you my thoughts and abilities as we start a dialogue of metaphysical musings. My expertise lies in my readings and my dream experience. Initially I want to do a series of comments on “Understanding your Readings” and invite you to share your experiences. Psychic visions, mine and yours, can be used as tools to gain insights along the pathway, and to break the patterns that block light to the soul and limit our joys.  Used in conjunction with thoughtful meditation, the results can be quite dramatic. Join me for an adventure within!...

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